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Thursday, May 26, 2011


Following paper presented at the International conference on Restructuring of the Global Economy (ROGE 2011) organised by ABRM, JBRMR, and London School of Mgt Studies, UK.

The role of perception of colors by consumers in consumer decision making process: a micro study of select departmental stores in Mumbai city, India'

Color plays a significant role in triggering emotions in people. The current research studied the role of perception of colors in consumer decision making process. The study focuses on how the departmental stores by using different colors/color combinations in logo, the brand name, the tagline, the slogan etc. reach to their audiences. How are these colors interpreted by audiences and do they have a positive or negative effect on decision making? How do consumers perceive these messages and eventually decide to make purchases into a particular departmental store. Data collected from fifty respondents through an administered survey by structured questionnaire method is analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The sampling technique used is convenient sampling. The data collected is mostly primary in nature. Major conclusions of the study were that colors do play an important role in triggering emotions of the consumers. Consumers relate certain colors to socio economic class and accordingly decide to choose their shopping place. They were also able to recall departmental store names on the basis of color/color combinations. However few respondents agreed that color does not play any important role in their decision making; it is in fact the appearance, music played in the store, services offered by the store that help in making decision.

Key words: Colors, Perception, Consumer decision making, Departmental stores, Mumbai