by Baba Shetty and Jerry
Wind |
10:00 AM February 15, 2013
A fascinating thing happened at the Super Bowl
this year. Typically, Super Bowl advertisers meticulously plan every aspect of
their presence months in advance of the big game. But this time, Coca-Cola,
Audi, and Oreo didn't just limit themselves to pre-packaged creative — they
also had in place rapid response teams that adapted to events as they happened.
So when the rest of America was reacting to the power outage in the stadium,
the brands were, too — appropriately and in their own brand voice.
Recently, the Wharton Future of
Advertising Program asked more than 175 industry leaders to describe their
vision of what advertising would be like in the year 2020. Based on our
analysis of the responses to the 2020 Project, the Super Bowl case isn't just a
once-a-year stunt — it's a preview of a model that will scale and become a
foundational characteristic of major brand advertising.
The industry experts had a varied
take, but a remarkably consistent theme emerged: the rigid campaign-based model
of advertising, perfected over decades of one-way mass media, is headed for
For messages to be heard in 2020,
brands will need to create an enormous amount of useful, appealing, and timely
content. To get there, brands will have to leave behind organizations and
thinking built solely around the campaign model, and instead adopt the defining
characteristics of the real-time, data-driven newsroom — a model that's
prolific, agile and audience-centric.
The campaign model, relatively
speaking, is miserly. Ad units like TV spots are produced in small batches and
doled out across channels. Even digital advertising is versioned with
relatively minor variations that most people would have a hard time evaluating
as "different".
As Jacques Bughin and David Edelman
of McKinsey & Company predict in their submission to the 2020 project,
"The need for relevance will drive consumer demand and shape advertising
supply. There will be billions of interaction points that will place enormous
demands on brands to create and deliver just the right piece of content."
This previously unimagined scale
of content production will require brands to adopt every option available to
them to increase their content output — from building internal content teams
(like Red Bull Media House), to extensive media company partnerships (like the
Intel Creators Project with Vice, to large-scale agency initiatives (like the
Responsibility Project from Liberty Mutual and Hill Holliday).
The traditional campaign model is
rigid. Ad units are created at a point in time and don't generally adapt to
emerging themes in culture. In contrast, the newsroom metaphor suggests that
content has to be produced and delivered in a continuous stream rather than
through a ponderous, slow-moving process of months of campaign development.
Wieden+Kennedy understood this when they produced 200 Old Spice YouTube videos
in 48 hours. Calle Sjoenell, Chief Creative Office O&M, predicts that by
2020 at least half of the production budget will be spent while the campaign is
running to adapt it in real time instead of blowing it all in one go, before
the campaign runs.
Ad agencies and creatives will
need to work more like a news organization, constantly adapting existing
material and creating new content across all media. As Ian Schaeffer of digital
agency Deep Focus puts it: "The process of arriving at the best social
content looks more like 'Newsroom' than 'The Pitch'. Creative and social
staffers merge the zeitgeist with the brand ethos all day, every day."
The campaign model has for
decades been decidedly brand-oriented. Typically, brands tell stories about
themselves. In the shift to a newsroom model, we'll ask "what will our
user be interested in?" And then we'll check that expectation with evidence:
in a modern newsroom, data circulates continuously about the relative
performance of each unit of content produced, from tweets to text-based
stories, to images and video served — and future editorial content decisions
reflect consumers' response to previous content. Just as the news content that
meets the audience's needs rises to the top according to various performance
metrics — think of news organizations' "most emailed" lists —
brand-publishing content that meets consumers' needs will similarly get top
performance ratings.
Getting There
Consumers have new expectations.
Social media and digital news offer a continuously-updated reflection of the
culture consumers live within.The overwhelming consensus from the Wharton
Future of Advertising panel is that the current campaign-based model is ill-equipped
to deal with this new reality. We believe the newsroom metaphor offers a
powerful way to rethink the way advertising content is being developed and
delivered, the roles of the advertiser, agencies, the users and other content
generators, and the entire organizational architecture of advertising and
The road ahead certainly won't be
smooth — we know the transition will be culturally and operationally difficult.
If your brand, agency or media company has useful insight for the marketing
community on your experiments with a newsroom model, we invite you to share
them with us in the comments below and at the Wharton Future of Advertising
Project. Contact
greate information available in the post as well as site. good effort